Ethical Origin


Unique and Specially selected Colombian Direct Trade Coffees & Chocolates Freshly Harvested by Independent Small Producers & Roasted at Origin



Our Purpose

We want to create a relationship between producers and final conscious consumers. We are building on previous relationships with our local partners from past experiences working on human rights, sustainability and development projects in Colombia. Through direct trade with local growers and small farmer associations of women, indigenous, rural communities, ex-combatants and victims of the armed conflict, we recognise the vital role that inclusive business must play in addressing the conditions to achieve everyday peace and sustainable and inclusive development, especially in fragile contexts such as rural Colombia. 

We started with one of the most traded crops: coffee. Getting coffee directly from farmers at origin secures a more equal distribution of the value of coffee. It guarantees the transparency and traceability of the supply chain and communicates the process and stories beyond each cup. This represents a sustainable model that supports the producer, reduces the carbon footprint, and promotes diversity and inclusion in the coffee sector. The production of coffee and other local products generates social cohesion, social inclusion and supports the reconstruction of the social fabric in conflict-affected areas. Our purpose is the integration of local economies into global markets. 

Ethical Origin was created in order to respond to the needs of local producers (starting with coffee & cocoa) and SMEs in Colombia to establish contact with international consumers. It allows discerning coffee lovers to create a visible and positive link to local producers and the environment. The nexus between Food, Trade, Human Rights, Peace, Regenerative Tourism and Sustainable Development is at the center of our practices.

We want people to be more aware of the origin of their daily coffee & chocolate and create impact at local level

We frequently hear about the most common concerns regarding the coffee and the cocoa sector: Unfair wages, forced labour, poverty, deforestation, climate change and non-sustainable practices. 

The Coffee Barometer 2023 report provides an overview of sustainability and has called for action in the sector. Also, in the case of chocolate, you can see: Cacao Barometer 2022. The report clearly shows the asymmetries in power in the global coffee market. There is a large gap between coffee production, marginalisation, devalued work, and the depletion of natural resources on one side, and coffee consumption and profitability on the other, where just few, particularly large scale roasters and retailers, reap the benefits.

Despite the evidence of potential sustainable solutions and the combination of the new EU legislation covering deforestation-free production, human rights due diligence, and reporting. See: EU Defo-

restation Regulation (EUDR), Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Forced Labor Regulation and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD): “Essential traceability data remains elusive or inaccessible, and a multitude of stakeholders lack resilient management systems to systematically evaluate and alleviate deforestation hazards present within their supply chains” (Coffee Barometer, 2023).

However, recent studies demonstrate that changing how coffee is grown, transported and consumed can reduce overall carbon emissions by up to 77%, and equally important, research shows that specialty coffee generates positive economic, social and environmental benefits, such as better livelihoods for local producers, the reduction of forest biodiversity loss and the possibility of offering climate resilience solutions.


Ethical sourcing directly from local producers generates social, environmental, and economic benefits

Make the change to a more ethical, equal and sustainable coffee and discover the value behind connecting buyers and customers with producer organisations at origin. We are guaranteeing positive social and environmental business practices.

Women in Coffee Monica Huila

FARM TO CUP: Adding Value at Origin

Getting direct and ethically sourced coffee that is grown and roasted at origin is a sustainable and ethical model:    What are the advantages?

•Shortens the supply chain.
•It is a farm-fresh coffee direct from the producers.
•Adds more value and equal distribution to the value of coffee
•Producers have more ownership over their coffee
•Improves their farming and processing practices.
•Reduces the carbon footprint
•Creates highly skilled local jobs and develops local economies

•They will appreciate how their efforts at farm level translate to certain flavours in the cup.
•Promotes diversity and inclusion in the coffee sector.
•Establishes New Markets
•The CO2 created by coffee production is offset in the countries within which it is produced.

And finally:
•It is a more authentic experience. The perfect reason to try it out!

All our Coffees & Chocolates are sustainably & ethically directly sourced
& roasted by the producers at origin

Discover Our Partners
and Products

Coffees & Chocolates and the SDGs

We are working together on the Sustainable Development Goals three pillars:
Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability,
and Social Inclusion

Local Initiatives around Coffee, Chocolate & Climate Action

See what our partners do locally:

Buying origin roasted coffee has a tangible impact on the environment and the communities where it is purchased.

The CO2 created by coffee production and process is offset in the communities within which it is produced. Our local partners are involved in local sustainability initiatives including proactive environmental strategies such as reforestation planting native trees and agroforestry practices, protecting biodiversity areas locally and contributing to education and local social projects. A percentage of every bag sold goes directly towards these initiatives.

Our Values

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